On Wednesday we volunteered with our church small group at Feed My Starving Children. Its a Christian organization that sends meals to children in need all over the world with the help of many volunteers. The system is very cool actually. It is a non-profit organization that relies soley on its volunteers to pack individual meals and also donate monies to help minimize hunger in poor countries. It only take 17 cents to make one bag (which is 6 servings!) These meals are fortified with special nutrients to help children who are malnurished. Just to give you an idea of how much an hour of volunteering does; we had a group of 84 people from all over the city and we packed 11,000 bags of food! We were told that it provided meals for 31 children for a whole year! If you are ever interested in volunteering, this is a wonderful organization and it was so easy and lots of fun. www.feedmystarvingchildren.com