On Saturday, some friends and I volunteered for an organization called, Feed My Starving Children - a non-profit Christian organization that is dedicated to producing packaged meals for children, in effort to fight world hunger.
Our church small group has volunteered with them in the past and it was about time that I did it again!
We had such a good time with our group and we were able to produce 18,000 meals in just 1 1/2 hours; which feeds 50 children for one whole year! It's hard to believe that in such little time, you can help in such a huge way. I will continue to volunteer there and would encourage others to do so as well.
In the future, I want to instill in my children that volunteering is very important. I want them to know that we should be sharing the gifts that we have been blessed with on a constant basis. I was so sad to see those images of mal-nourished children on the FMSC DVD. It made me want to do everything I can in the future to help those in need.
To volunteer, please go here for more information, www.fmsc.org