On Sunday I celebrated my 28th Birthday. I have to say, it's really starting get more real that I am getting "older". I don't particularly like seeing little tiny grey hairs on my head that I have to pull out once in a while and new little wrinkles around my eyes, the so called, "laugh lines". As far as I am concerned getting older sucks! On the otherhand, I do feel more "wise" and more "experienced" and more "seasoned" than ever before. I am comfortable in my own skin, have an awesome family, a wonderful Husband, 2 beautiful little boys & a blooming childcare business. I have ALOT to be thankful for! :) I SHOULD be thankful everyday for the years God has blessed me with, to experience these great things in life and not be dreading it when I turn another year older!!!...RIGHT??!!!! I don't know what's wrong with me! :)Anyway, thanks everyone for making my birthday a special one. Here are some pics from the fun-filled "getting older" weekend!

Osaka with Brother, Mom and Kids - Ben had to Plow :(

hibachi-one of my fav meals!

They made me wear this stupid hat!

Eating a yummy tempera dessert with my Jack

Kate, Dacia and Me and GB Leighton at the MN Music Cafe - Awesome Time!

Me and GB in the backround, why didn't I get my picture take with him, dangit!

Hittin the Slopes at Afton Alps on Sunday with Ben!