I woke up this morning and could hardly believe that my son had turned 1 year old! It was May 11th and it had been one year already since I gave birth to our beautiful little boy, Jack Andrew Christensen. At 7:11 a.m., Jack came into this world at Fairview Southdale Hospital, 2 1/2 weeks early! I was only in labor for 3 hours before he was born. I was so lucky! I remember having so many great feelings that day; excited, overjoyed, blessed & scared to be responsible for such an amazing miniature human being. Over the past year, Jack has brought so much joy to Ben and I and we are so thankful that God gave us an opportunity to raise such a sweet little man. Although he isn't walking yet, he is scaling the furniture quite quickly, eating like a tank and loves to play with all his toys! Happy Birthday buddy! We love you so much lil Jack!

Jack playing in the yard!
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