On Monday we had our 19 week ultrasound. Everything went well and the baby looked healthy and we also found out the sex and its going to be a Boy! We were totally surprised as I thought it was for sure going to be a girl as this pregnancy has been totally different from my first. Last time I craved sweets and this time it was salty things. Last time I got sick about 5 times a day for the first 4 months and this time, only about once every third day for the 1st trimester. Everything was just totally different. But I now know that it doesn't matter at all! It does make sense though that everything has been different as it is a different human growing inside me! : ). We are so glad that Jack will have a little brother to play with and it will be a wonderful change for our family. Here our a couple pictures of the ultrasound.

Baby Profile

It's a Boy!
Congrats guys!! Oh I know he's going to be a cutie!! I'm glad to hear that this pregnancy has been easier on you.