Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
We are having a......GIRL!!!!!
After 2 boys and alot of "tough boy stuff" around the house we are finally having a little GIRL. :) We went to our 19-20 week ultrasound yesterday afternoon and they confirmed what I had been hoping for, a healthy baby girl! It's also a little strange for us because having a girl will be a whole new responsilibity. Caring for the baby is much the same but as she gets older and eventually into her "teenage years", I can imagine a whole new batch of issues that will be interesting to deal with. I will obviously be prepped for because I am a woman but will probably be new territory for Ben! Right after the untrasound he said, "Oh my gosh, I'm nervous, we are having a Girl!" "We are going to have to pay for her wedding!".
We are going to update the nursery in girls attire. I am really excited to start looking for some good ideas. I'm starting with the color purple as a start.
Ben and I were at Target today and seriously buying clothes for her won't be an issue! There are sooo many cute things for Girls!! I'm a sucker for pink tutus and tights. This poor little things isn't even born yet but her mother is already playing "dolls" with her!
We are going to update the nursery in girls attire. I am really excited to start looking for some good ideas. I'm starting with the color purple as a start.
Ben and I were at Target today and seriously buying clothes for her won't be an issue! There are sooo many cute things for Girls!! I'm a sucker for pink tutus and tights. This poor little things isn't even born yet but her mother is already playing "dolls" with her!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
New Family SUV!
Well seeing as we are going to be a family of five in May, we wanted to get a bigger vehicle that could hold all of us as well as all the stuff that comes along with having three kids. We had the opportunity to buy my grandparents extended 2004Trailblazer a few weeks ago and we bought it. It's so roomy and I can even take the daycare kids on fieldtrips as it holds 8 people! It has low mileage and it's in great condition. I am so glad we bought it!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Woah Henry is 18 months old today!
Henry's Recent Milestone's;
- Cutting 4 Molers at once
- New words include; "please", "thank you", "milk", "bathtime", "all done", "love you", "Jack", "Truck", "Ball", "cold", "hot", "baby" and many many more but I can't keep track! He also knows most of these words in sign language too.
- He loves to show off his dancing abilities. I'm not joking, the kid can move!
- He loves to read books, circle time at daycare and watching morning cartoons with his big brother.
Soon we will have to take away his "nunny" (pacifier) from him. I've given it to him out of habit and not when he really could need it and thats caused a rather bad attachment to it now. I know its quite rediculous that he still has a nuk at this point but its going in the garbage very soon. Especially if we are going to start the potty training in the near future.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Worst Week! - Jacks trip to the ER..

Poor buddy after xray.

After the IV was put in, such a brave kid! :(
Saturday night right before Jack went to bed he had a mild fever so I gave him Advil before bed. He woke up at 3am with a 103.5 fever and vomiting :(. I called the doctors office and they said to give him a tablespoon of fluids every 15 minutes for an hour until he's keeping things down. The night went on, more vomiting, high temp and lots of uncertainty. He also complained of his eyes hurting and they were very swollen by Sunday. We continuously kept dosing him with Tylenol and Advil every 6 hours while he still continued to get sick throughout the day. The vomiting subsided on Monday and I called the doctor on Monday night to have him seen Tuesday to see what exactly was wrong.
Ben took him to the pediatrician as I had work. The peds office did a blood test and a chest x-ray and concluded that he had pneumonia and pink eye. Great we thought! Antibiotics and eye meds were prescribed and he started taking them. Later that day his fever plateaued at its highest to 104.1. Wednesday, I closed the daycare and stayed home with him. He complained all day that his tummy hurt and his eye were really swollen all day long. He was constantly crying and temp still between 103-104.
I decided I wanted more answers so Wednesday night we took him to the ER. Something wasn't right. He didn't act like he had pneumonia at all. There was zero coughing, wheezing and no runny nose at that time. His eyes were also swollen, not matted like you would see in pink eye. I wasn't buying what the pediatrician had diagnosed. The ER gave him an IV, took blood (not a fun experience when they can't find his tiny veins!), urine and abdominal xrays. They concluded without a doubt that he had a bladder/kidney infection, he was very distended (constipated) and that he needed to pass some gas from all that crying! They started him on antibiotic and told us to continue the one that he was prescribed for the pneumonia. We also gave him claritin for his eyes and that helped the swelling go down tons.
Anyway, today (Thursday) he's improved lots! Still a fever but up walking around and now more cold symptoms than anything. I am so glad I took him to the ER!!!! A mother's intuition is always best even if you think you are being over protective stick with your gut feeling!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Baby # 3!!

Lil Christensen #3
Well to make things even busier and crazier at my house, we are having baby #3! I am due, May 17th and we are super excited. I'm secretly hoping for a little girl this time, however, I love my boys and all I really could hope for is another healthy kid. I am 12 weeks along and have been feeling alot better that last couple of weeks. I can't believe the first trimester is over already. This ultrasound picture above is from my 8 week doctors appointment. We got to see the little babe and hear the heartbeat for the first time. I tell you, it never gets old! :)
Well I'm going back to school!
Over the last few months I have decided that I want to go back to school for Nursing. Since I have to fit it in my already busy life, I will have to go nights and weekends as I have the kids and a daycare to run! Starting in January, I am going to attend, North Hennepin Community College as they have a great Associate in Science Nursing program and they offer nights and weekend classes unlike lots of other schools. I am really excited to go back to school but know that it's going to be challenging to juggle everything! I will have a year of prerequisites to complete before I can even apply to the nursing program so it's going to take a while but am stoked to start something to better myself. :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Ben's 31!
On Wednesday we celebrated Ben's 31st birthday. I cannot believe my husband is 31 already, I met him when he was 24! It's so weird to think that 7 1/2 years have gone by already. This year I got him a Kindle Fire and it's not out yet but we hope to get it by Thanksgiving. It's like the IPAD but more than half the cost!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Emma Krumbees 2011!
All tuckered out from our day of fun :)
Last weekend, Ben went grose hunting so I decided to take the boys and my Mother-in-law, Karen to Emma Krumbee's for the annual Scarecrow Festival. We picked pumpkins, ate a great meal at the restaurant, went on a trail ride through the apple orchard and pumpkin patch. My favorite part was eating the caramel apples!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Our 1st Twins Game!
On Friday we went to the Twins game at Target Field! We took the Lightrail down there with my friend, Melissa, her Husband, Jeff and her daughter, Lennin. Ben and Jack have been before but it was mine and Henry's first game at the new Target field! We had what you call, nose bleed seats but a spectacular view of downtown Minneapolis and the whole field. There wasn't a "bad" seat in the whole place. The Twins ending up losing the the NY Yankees but it was an absolute blast :).
Our view!

Our view!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Backyard Update!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Backyard getting a face lift!
Over the past few months Ben has been clearing out the backyard of the trees so he could put up a fence for me! We also added a concrete patio off the back too! Today our friend came over and totally dominated our yard with his bobcat! Monday Ben will be putting in sod and the yard will be about 5 times as big when its all finished. Here are few pics of the transition it has gone through over the past year. I will be posting more as the sod gets put in.

This was our yard 2 years ago just after we put a portion of sod in for the daycare, needless to say it didn't stay that way. The yard was too shaded and it died.

Since Ben has cleared the trees and built the fence, we have so much more yard now! Look at that bobcat go!

This was our yard 2 years ago just after we put a portion of sod in for the daycare, needless to say it didn't stay that way. The yard was too shaded and it died.
Since Ben has cleared the trees and built the fence, we have so much more yard now! Look at that bobcat go!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Father's Day
On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day by taking a mini roadtrip to Stillwater. We watched a bike race, ate ice cream, grabbed some treats at Trembley's Old Fashioned Sweet Shop and Jack even took a swim in his clothes in the St. Croix!
I missed my Dad on Father's Day and wished I could've spent the day with him! 8 more days till my Dad, Barb, Mikayla and Blake come for the Summer! So excited to see them!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
4 Year Anniversary!
I can't believe that I have been married for 4 years already. Ben and I have been together for 7 years now!! Crazy!! And to think that we have two children already is nuts..
On our anniversary my Mom took the kids so we could have a night out. We went to Uptown to the "Cafeteria" restaurant. They have an awesome outdoor patio on the rooftop and it was a beautiful summer night to have dinner.
Ben-You are such a devoted husband, loving Dad and you amaze me everyday. I am such a lucky lady! Love you!
Monday, June 13, 2011
House Remodel!

Over the last couple months we have been doing lots to the exterior of our home. I have "before" and "after" pics of the work we have done. In late April new windows were put in throughout the entire house, Ben (and Mike) finished the backyard fence, new siding and shakes were done on the front, the entire house was painted and veneer stone was added onto the front.
We are so happy with the way everything turned out! It's so nice to drive up cause it looks like an entirely different house! Houses are so much work but it feels great now that its over...for now :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Henry Walking!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Henry 1st Birthday!
Henry Michael Christensen is 1 year old today. This past year has gone so fast and I literally blinked and a year has gone by. Henry is really starting to take off walking. Still a little wabbly but getting around great. His first word was, "Hi". He will just about eat anything I give him! He absolutely adores Jack and thinks he is the funniest thing alive. He follows him around all day long.
I am so thankful that I get to be at home with him (and Jack) to see these awesome milestones unfold. :) From the time he arrived everyone has said, "He looks identical to you Amanda!" Ha I just love hearing that cause Jack was a little Ben! He's my little pumpkin and we are so lucky to have him in our lives.

Jack and Henry's dairy queen ice cream cake. They spelled Henry's name wrong!! :(
I am so thankful that I get to be at home with him (and Jack) to see these awesome milestones unfold. :) From the time he arrived everyone has said, "He looks identical to you Amanda!" Ha I just love hearing that cause Jack was a little Ben! He's my little pumpkin and we are so lucky to have him in our lives.
Jack and Henry's dairy queen ice cream cake. They spelled Henry's name wrong!! :(
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Jack's 3rd Birthday!
All I can say is wow! Three years has gone by soo fast. My little baby isn't a baby anymore, he's a 3 year old little boy today! Jack came into this world on Mother's Day 3 years ago today. He wasn't waiting anymore and it only took 3 hours from start to finish to deliver him. What a great Mother's Day that was! :)
Jack has accomplished so much in the past year and he's so much fun. He's fully potty trained now standing up to do his business. :) I can carry on a full length conversation with him. He really loves bears, tractors, trains and basically with wheels. He loves being outside and getting dirty (as a boy should). I should also mention to commemorate him turning 3, he decided to stick a piece of corn up his nose today! :( Don't worry it came out right away, but I thought..what a story to tell about his 3rd birthday! haha
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Jesus Christ Superstar!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Birthday Weekend..
On Sunday I celebrated my 28th Birthday. I have to say, it's really starting get more real that I am getting "older". I don't particularly like seeing little tiny grey hairs on my head that I have to pull out once in a while and new little wrinkles around my eyes, the so called, "laugh lines". As far as I am concerned getting older sucks! On the otherhand, I do feel more "wise" and more "experienced" and more "seasoned" than ever before. I am comfortable in my own skin, have an awesome family, a wonderful Husband, 2 beautiful little boys & a blooming childcare business. I have ALOT to be thankful for! :) I SHOULD be thankful everyday for the years God has blessed me with, to experience these great things in life and not be dreading it when I turn another year older!!!...RIGHT??!!!! I don't know what's wrong with me! :)Anyway, thanks everyone for making my birthday a special one. Here are some pics from the fun-filled "getting older" weekend!

Osaka with Brother, Mom and Kids - Ben had to Plow :(

hibachi-one of my fav meals!

They made me wear this stupid hat!

Eating a yummy tempera dessert with my Jack

Kate, Dacia and Me and GB Leighton at the MN Music Cafe - Awesome Time!

Me and GB in the backround, why didn't I get my picture take with him, dangit!

Hittin the Slopes at Afton Alps on Sunday with Ben!

Osaka with Brother, Mom and Kids - Ben had to Plow :(

hibachi-one of my fav meals!

They made me wear this stupid hat!

Eating a yummy tempera dessert with my Jack

Kate, Dacia and Me and GB Leighton at the MN Music Cafe - Awesome Time!

Me and GB in the backround, why didn't I get my picture take with him, dangit!

Hittin the Slopes at Afton Alps on Sunday with Ben!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Henry's Dedication...
This Sunday we had Henry Dedicated at Church. It was a nice service and thanks to those that came in the blizzard!

Henry 8.5 Months Old
Some Bible Verses to Mark Henry's Big Day...
Psalm 139:13-14, For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Ephesians 6:4, Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Psalm 36:7, How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
2 John 1:4, I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father.

Henry 8.5 Months Old
Some Bible Verses to Mark Henry's Big Day...
Psalm 139:13-14, For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Ephesians 6:4, Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Psalm 36:7, How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
2 John 1:4, I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Last week Ben and I went on a VACATION...ALONE! It was awesome time spent with each other and the Cruise was amazing. The ship, Oasis of the Seas is the largest cruise ship in the world..right now anyway. It was as big as Southdale Mall inside!! It had two outdoor movie screens with an aqua theatre where they held water shows, 2 monster climbing walls, like 36 restaurants and bars, a carousel and it holds 6,000 people! We went with our friends, Nate and Kelsey and had a great time with them. The ship stopped at 3 ports - Labadee, Haiti, Costa Maya, Mexico, & Cozumel, Mexico. The weather was the best in Labadee (Around 84 that day). Here are a few shots from the trip.

Rising Tide Bar on Cruise - This Bar went up and down veryyy slowwly on the ship!



My ZIPLINE Adventure!

Rising Tide Bar on Cruise - This Bar went up and down veryyy slowwly on the ship!



My ZIPLINE Adventure!

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