Poor buddy after xray.

After the IV was put in, such a brave kid! :(
Saturday night right before Jack went to bed he had a mild fever so I gave him Advil before bed. He woke up at 3am with a 103.5 fever and vomiting :(. I called the doctors office and they said to give him a tablespoon of fluids every 15 minutes for an hour until he's keeping things down. The night went on, more vomiting, high temp and lots of uncertainty. He also complained of his eyes hurting and they were very swollen by Sunday. We continuously kept dosing him with Tylenol and Advil every 6 hours while he still continued to get sick throughout the day. The vomiting subsided on Monday and I called the doctor on Monday night to have him seen Tuesday to see what exactly was wrong.
Ben took him to the pediatrician as I had work. The peds office did a blood test and a chest x-ray and concluded that he had pneumonia and pink eye. Great we thought! Antibiotics and eye meds were prescribed and he started taking them. Later that day his fever plateaued at its highest to 104.1. Wednesday, I closed the daycare and stayed home with him. He complained all day that his tummy hurt and his eye were really swollen all day long. He was constantly crying and temp still between 103-104.
I decided I wanted more answers so Wednesday night we took him to the ER. Something wasn't right. He didn't act like he had pneumonia at all. There was zero coughing, wheezing and no runny nose at that time. His eyes were also swollen, not matted like you would see in pink eye. I wasn't buying what the pediatrician had diagnosed. The ER gave him an IV, took blood (not a fun experience when they can't find his tiny veins!), urine and abdominal xrays. They concluded without a doubt that he had a bladder/kidney infection, he was very distended (constipated) and that he needed to pass some gas from all that crying! They started him on antibiotic and told us to continue the one that he was prescribed for the pneumonia. We also gave him claritin for his eyes and that helped the swelling go down tons.
Anyway, today (Thursday) he's improved lots! Still a fever but up walking around and now more cold symptoms than anything. I am so glad I took him to the ER!!!! A mother's intuition is always best even if you think you are being over protective stick with your gut feeling!
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