At 8am the next morning (May 8th), my contractions just stopped out of no where! I was so tired and frustrated at this point, all I wanted was to have the baby already! Finally, my Dr. that had been treating me all this time was the "on-call" and she came in a broke my water to get this going. After about an hour my contractions came back and were every 5 minutes and getting stronger and stronger. Finally, I was dilated to a 7 and decided to get an Ipidural. The contractions at this point were putting me to tears and they were about every 2-3 minutes apart.
After I got the epidural my pain level got better and I was able to relax and watch my contractions comfortably as they happened on the monitor instead of tear through them. About an hour later the Dr. came in and I was a 10 and ready to push! She came out in 2 pushes and we finally had our little girl after 16 hours of labor! She weighed 6 lbs. and 10 oz., 20 1/2 in. long and her head was 13 in. around.
I would've laughed if you told me that I would be in labor for that long because Jack came in 3 hours, Henry came in 6 hours and lil Lucy... well she took her time coming into this world! To say the least, we are absolutely smitten with her. The boys absolutely love her and Daddy and I are so happy to have our little girl!!
She is perfect! You look great mama! Love you guys!